



The change in the status of the automobile from an expensive luxury for the few

to a necessity for the many has transformed American communities and American

living habits over the past sixty years. The Automobile Age did not come abruptly,

for it could not. The Automobile Age depended on three things. First, a reliable and

not too expensive car. Second, a system of good roads. And third, garages and

gasoline stations in great numbers. ,,, By the nineteen-twenties, most of these condi-

tions had been met, and all three have been rapidly expanding and improving each

year since.

The impact of the automobile on American life has been tremendous. American

automobile manufacturers now sell eight million new automobiles each year, with

larger sales in prospect.  No such startling change in the habits of a people as the

automobile has brought could take place without having far-reaching effects. Let us

take a glance at a few of them.

The automobile has developed the motorized suburb. City suburbs, previously

accessible by railroad, were limited in size because of the difficulty of reaching the

railroad station from any place more than a mile away. Now, with the automobile,

suburban families who live long distances from the station can reach it easily. As a

result, suburban areas have grown with remarkable speed, and large residential streets

can be found around the edge of every American city.

The coming of the automobile also had the effect of moving business from the

center of the city to the outskirts. The hotel on Main Street in the city, for example,

that had formerly been the one and only place for travelers to stay, lost business to the

less expensive tourist camp outside the city on the highway. In a short time the crude

tourist camp was transformed into a roadside hotel, or “motel” (a combination of

“motor” and “hotel”), which offered the traveler quiet, privacy, convenience, and even

luxury. The stores along Main Street in the heart of town lost business to the new

stores at the edge of the city, which had large parking lots and were close to the

suburbs. City department stores, painfully aware of the business they were losing,

opened suburban branch stores. Next came the development of huge shopping

centers, built at the outskirts of the city or in the suburbs where land was cheaper and

there was plenty of parking space. (399 words)

(注) tourist camp : simply built houses where tourists can stay for modest price




A 内容把握・内容真偽に関する問題

1 本文の内容と一致するものを3つ選びなさい

(1) The Automobile Age in America came suddenly, because it couldn’t have

happened slowly.

(2) Eight million new automobiles are sold each year, and it is expected that

more and more cars will be produced in the future.

(3) Though cars have come to be widely used recently, it is necessary to live

near the railway station in the suburbs.

(4) All American cities have large-scale residential areas on the outskirts,

so people are able to go to the nearest station easily by car.

(5) Tourists can stay at motels for a modest price. However, unlike hotels,

motels offer not only noise and inconvenience, but also no privacy at all.

(6) City department stores opened branch stores, and huge shopping

centers with plenty of parking space were built in the suburbs where land

was cheaper.


2 自動車の地位はどのように変化したのか。日本語で答えなさい。



3 鉄道しか交通手段がなかった時代、都市の郊外の町の大きさは限られていた。





4 自動車時代が到来する以前、旅行者の唯一の宿泊所となっていたのはどこか。





5 都市の中心部にある,メイン・ストリート沿いの店はどのような店に客を奪





6 客足が遠のいた都市部の百貨店はどのような対抗処置をとったか。日本語で






B 文法・構文・語法に関する問題

7 下線部(1)を訳しなさい。





8 下線部(2)を訳しなさい。







できない際はITO ACADEMY でお待ちいたしております。



[2] パソコン業界事情

A funny thing has happened to the personal computer (PC) industry. Despite the

increasing importance society places on personal computer ownership, the endless talk

about the joys of surfing the Internet, and a 124 percent jump in the amount of money

Spent on PC advertising over the past two years, the rate at which people are buying

their first computer has suddenly slowed down. In 1994, the number of PCs sold to

home users jumped 42 percent over the previous year. The next year, unit sales grew

by 18 percent, but in 1996, they grew only 8 percent. And it’s not as if the home

computer market is (a)mature. In fact, just 37 percent of American households own

PCs today. Computer makers are hardly hurting. Profits in the $ 60 billion U. S.

personal computer market have continued to shoot upward, boosted largely by

high-volume sales to corporations. Although sales of household computers account

for some 40 percent of the overall PC market, many large computer companies

actually lose money selling home PCs. They (b)make up their losses by selling

high-cost computers to companies.

Still, (c)the fact remains that the industry has yet to figure out what first-time

consumers really want from a personal computer. Experts believe that the potential

market for PCs is as much as 60 percent of households. But first, they must overcome

some important problems.

The first problem is that of image. The main barrier to wider PC use remains the

perception of the machine as “difficult-to-use.” Early users, who purchased the first

available home computers, may have enjoyed the idea of owning something that

ordinary people couldn’t use or were afraid to use. Another major problem is that

people don’t trust PC manufacturers—mostly because they do not try to make lasting

relationships with buyers. This may be the key reason for the industry’s low-loyalty

numbers. Only a third of home PC owners say they would purchase their next

machine from the company that made their current PC.

Because of rapid changes in technology, a PC loses its “newness” sooner than most

consumer products. (d)The industry’s obsession with new technology often leaves

consumers with machines that are out-at-date. Poor consumer-service is another

irritant. Consumers often endure busy signals and hours-long waits on the phone.

One computer executive says, “There’s no one out there saying, ‘If you buy us, you’ll

be OK.’ Car companies have been doing that for years.” (352 words)

(注) surfing the Internet : looking quickly through information on the computer Internet for anything that interests you



technology often leaves consumers with machines that are out-of-date. Poor

consumer-service is another irritant. Consumers often endure busy signals

and hours-long waits on the phone. One computer executive says, “There’s

no one out there saying, ‘If you buy us, you’ll be OK.’ Car companies have

been doing that for years.” (352 words)

(注) surfing the Internet looking quickly through information on the

computer Internet for anything that interests you



1 本文の内容と一致するものを3つ選びなさい

① There has been a 124-percent jump in the money spent on computers

over the past two years.

② One of the problems with the home computer market is that it is not yet


③ Many computer makers are not making profits on sales of home


④ Profits in the computer industry as a whole have been declining recently.

⑤ Household computers account for more than half of the overall PC


⑥ Computer sales specialists think that in the future almost every

household will have at least one computer.

⑦ Most early users of personal computers complained that they were too

difficult to use.

⑧ A majority of computer owners do not have any special loyalty to the

brand of the computer they now own.

⑨ PC manufactures try very hard to provide the best computer service to

computer owners who have problems.




B  文法・構成・語法に関する問題

2 下線部  (a)の意味に最も近いものを選びなさい。

① older than the usual age for something

② old enough to be ready to do something

③ ready to be paid

④ not capable of further growth


3 下線部(b) の意味に最も近いものを選びなさい。


①constitute  ② complete  ③ compensate ④ compare


4 下線部(c)を訳しなさい



5 下線部(d)の意味に最も近いものを選びなさい

① なにがなんでも新技術を取り入れなければならないと考えるパソコン業界

② 新技術といえども取捨選択を迫られるパソコン業界

③ なんでも新技術を取り入れ、高価格で売ろうとするパソコン業界

④ 新技術などには目を向けない古い体質のパソコン業界




















           ① with   ②about   ③at   ④by





         瞬間に『きれた!!』という場合はI am  angry  at  her.





          彼女の事をずっと怒っている場合はI am angry with  her.

          書ききれませんでしたが、about  byについては、授業にて。






          ITO ACADEMY



          名古屋市東区筒井2の4の52    931-3987  090-3835-0106


           URL https://www.ito-academy.com 塾長 伊藤琢哉 


  URLhttp://www.sp-loco.jp/t000298520/ お気軽にお問い合わせください。(2月迄)





・早稲田予備校 講師(3年で倒産)1年目で5コマもらう

・大志塾AXIS予備校 講師(3年で倒産)1年目で15コマもらう

・東海学園大学 講師
・中京法律専門学校 講師(マキャベリの君主論など古典的名著を読む大学と同じ外書購読の講座22年勤務 名古屋予備校との兼務の許可も得られました)
・河合塾ライセンススクール 講師
・中津川予備校 講師(3年で倒産)
・名古屋予備校 講師【講師アンケートがアール5でした。びっくりしました。名実ともに人気NO 1でした。)(途中でマイク教室に変わりました)【東大英語‣京都大英語・医歯薬系英語・名大英語・長文読解テクニック➡200人則締め切り、もう1講座増設・多義語完全解説➡則締め切り もう1講座増設 田多数20年以上勤務しました)

・さくらYELL予備校 講師(恵那に新規校オープン)英語の超ハイレベルの生徒を担当していたが、センタープレで150以上取った人しか入塾させないと入塾基準を設けたら、1人しか集まらなかったのでギャラが高すぎて払えないので、レベルの高い生徒様が集まるまで待機中との命令に従う)
・東京サクセス浜松校 講師(新幹線通勤で30分ほどで行っていたが、時間帯によっては1時間くらいの新幹線しかない)
・志門塾[岐阜県] 講師(岐阜の大手塾から急にお電話がかかってきてベーシッククラスを2コマ担当してほしいという話でした。実際行ってみると3名しか生徒様は来ておりませんでした。中間・期末のテストの際は他のクラスはガラガラでしたが、伊藤のクラスは満席と言っても3名集まっていました。全員が休んだ時はビデオをとらなきゃいけないシステムでしたが。以前の担当者が、それを順守していないことが分かりまいした。生徒様が定期テストの対策をしてほしいと言ったので、やってあげました。結果は80点以上トレ、以前までは30-40点くらいの生徒様は喜んでいました。
・田村塾 講師(三重県で 地元に根差した一番有名な塾)(高田中高田高校のハイレベル生徒を指導。超人気が出ました。)


他 医療系予備校講師、私立高校に特別講師として活動中(昨年は愛知高校に出張講義に参上いたしました)




塾長 伊藤琢哉

塾長 伊藤琢哉限定用法の形容詞の並べ方を解説しています。根本理解もしますが、語学である以上暗記に頼らなければいけないところも多々あります。今回のような難解な形容詞の並べ方も伊藤琢哉の魔法の粉をおかけして、覚えやすくしています。この時は生徒様が拍手してくれました。

・早稲田予備校 講師
・東海学園大学 講師
・中京法律専門学校 講師
・河合塾ライセンススクール 講師
・中津川予備校 講師
・名古屋予備校 講師
・大志塾AXIS予備校 講師
・さくらYELL予備校 講師
・東京サクセス浜松校 講師
・志門塾[岐阜県] 講師
・田村塾 講師


他 医療系予備校講師、私立高校に特別講師として活動中(昨年は愛知高校に出張講義に参上いたしました)



料金につきまして 以前、料金相談システムで標準料金の5分の1にされた方もいらっしゃいました。



ITO・ACADEMY (名古屋市東区 学習塾 進学塾 受験英語)
愛知県名古屋市東区筒井2‐4‐52 3F


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1回 ¥5000~¥10000(税抜)
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